10 Important Back-to-School Lessons to teach your kids

For Moms, sending your kids off to school isn’t easy. Moms worry about kids while they’re away, and after spending so much time with them over the Summer, its hard to let them go all day, each day. Likewise, it’s hard for kids to go back to school once Summer is over. Often, it can be hard for kids to get back into the swing of things. They can be nervous, stressed, and worried about how they’ll do at school. As Moms, its important to teach your kids a few lessons, and help prepare them to take on the challenge of school. In this piece, we are outlining 10 ways you can do just that. 

1.Be Kind

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Kindness is a majorly underrated trait. If your kid is kind, they will go far in life. In many ways, kindness is the most important tool they need for surviving in the world. Make sure to teach your child the importance of kindness, and treating people as they would want to be treated. Spend the Summer talking to your child about the importance of kindness. Most importantly, model kindness yourself!

2.Dealing With Bullies:

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Bullies are an unfortunate reality of school. Teach your child how to deal with them. Bullies are often upset or insecure kids who are looking to make themselves feel good by exerting power. Teach your kid to stand up to bullies, and to just say “NO.” Being able to raise your voice, stand up for yourself, and tell bullies no is an important tool for school survival. Teach your child that it is okay to talk to teachers or administrators about any issues they’re facing at school with bullies.

3. Fix Sleep Schedules Ahead of Time

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One of the hardest things about going back to school is getting your kids to sleep and wake up on time. Instead of waiting for the day or two before school starts, give yourself some wiggle room. Try starting your kids on the schooltime sleep schedule at least two weeks before school starts. This will save you (and them) a huge headache once school rolls around. Your kids will be refreshed, energised, and ready to go once that first day of school arrives!

4.Summer Reading

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Get your kids to read over the Summer! Over the Summer, children lose significant amounts of learning gained over the semester. To help bolster your child, encourage them to read books over the Summer. Take them to the library, help them pick out books, and foster a love of learning.

5.Getting Involved

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Many schools offer great after-school programs and extracurricular activities that your kids might be interested in. Letting your kids explore their interests at school clubs will let them get involved, make friends, and learn skills and passions. Soon enough, your kids will love going to school!

6. Focusing in Class

Teaching your kids to focus in class isn’t an easy task. Teach your kids the importance of focusing and staying present in class. Teach them breathing techniques to help calm their nerves and maintain their focus.

7. Make Going Back To School Positive:

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In the weeks preceding the return to classes, try making the return to school positive for your kids. Get them ready by taking them to shop for school supplies, letting them pick out their back-to-school clothes, and letting them help you brainstorm lunch ideas. By getting kids involved in the back-to-school decision making process, they’ll be excited to return to classes.

8. Find a Neighbourhood Friend:

partner for school - back to school - bokitta blog If your child walks or rides the bus to school, try getting them together with another neighbourhood kid. The two can walk or ride the bus to school, arrive together, and accompany each other on the way home. Having a friend and using the buddy-system is good for you kid. It will keep them happy and safe in-between school and home.

9.Discipline with Homework:

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Teach your kids the importance of self-discipline, especially when it comes to their homework responsibilities. Train them to get their homework done with a couple of easy methods: first, give them a little bit of homework before school starts to get them used to doing work at home. Secondly, when they complete their homework, reward them! Positive reinforcement is a huge tool. Kids should feel accomplished when they do their homework.

10. Respecting Teachers:

This one is huge. It's important to teach your children to respect their teachers. A strong student/teacher relationship will positively influence your child for a lifetime. Teach your kids the importance of respecting authority. Teach them to sit still, say “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am,” and listen to their teacher's instructions.

~ 🌸Even though sending your kids back to school is scary, it doesn't have to be! By preparing your kids and giving them moral tools, you ensure that they are well-prepared for a school environment where their kindness, respect, and patience will take them far!🌸 ~


  • Rashika

    Very nice

  • Rashika

    Very nice

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