Bokitta Community Blog

Understanding Dhull Hijja and How to Make the Most of It
We are getting close to the month of Dhull Hijjah-the month of the Pilgrimage. The Hajj season is a special time for Muslims. This most blessed and sacred month contains a number of important events and holidays for Muslims–all of...
Five Gift Ideas For Muslim Girls
It can be hard to shop for kids–their interests are always changing, and who knows what it is they really want! Shopping for your girl, whatever the occasion, can be a hassle. So, we want to help out by serving...
While America Celebrates Juneteenth, Here is What Islam Says About Slavery
America just celebrated Juneteenth–a federal holiday that celebrates the day that African American slaves learned of their freedom in 1965. The holiday began among Texas slaves, but is now a federal holiday celebrated across the United States. Although slavery was...
FAQ About The Hijab
The Hijab is a piece of clothing, typically a headscarf, worn by Muslim women to express modesty. The Hijab typically covers the hair and ears, but other forms, such as the Niqab and Burqa, cover the body and face. Veils...
Rosemary Water in Your Hair? TikTok Fact or Fiction?
As a hijabi, it's important to protect your hair health. Although hijabs are great at keeping hair protected from the natural elements, some hair types experience dryness, irritation, and oiliness from being under a veil all day. So, it's important...
Five Muslim Women Who Changed The World
From getting the kids ready for school, to leading armies, women can do it all. We’re proud to see more women making history than ever. Women are leaders, teachers, and pioneers–and they always have been. In this blog, we want...
Tips on raising a reader, and six books they will love
Reading is a virtue. We can learn in many ways: from observation, touch, lecture–but there is no better way to absorb information and learn than by reading. When we read, our potential for knowledge has no limits. For our kids,...
Some Qura’anic Wisdom On Tough Relationships
We all deal with tough relationships–whether it's a mean boss, a trouble-making friend, or a toxic partner. Relationships are a major part of our lives. The Prophet  (PBUH) said: “A person is on the religion of his companions. Therefore let...
Tips For A Healthy Relationship Between Your Kids and Electronics
Electronics are an inseparable part of our daily lives–we spend a large portion of our day looking at screens. Our phones act as alarm clocks that wake us up. What is the first thing you look at in the morning?...
Tips For Reading More Quran In Your Daily Life
“This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious]” (Quran, 2:2) As Muslims, there is no better resource that the Quran.It can give us guidance when we are lost, and...
Five Tips For New Hijabis
If you’re new to wearing hijab, chances are you have a lot of questions. It’s no small feat to start veiling–and the process can be complicated. Not every woman has a hijabi friend to guide them through the (sometimes) difficult...
6 Beautiful Sites From Islamic History You Should Visit
Muslim Quarter, Xi'an China The Muslim Quarter is a famous snack and shopping center in a historically Muslim neighborhood of Xi’an. The Muslim Quarter is well-known for it’s unique street food, archictecture, shopping, and Chinese Muslim cultural influences. The Great...
Finding Your Purpose As A Muslim
What does it mean to have a purpose? Life-purpose influences our actions, our outlooks, and our desires. Our purpose is the reason that we wake up and get out of bed each morning. We were all created for something–we all...
5 things you should consider if you’re planning to wear hijab.
We want to wish a happy World Hijab Day to all hijabi beauties. Today is about raising awareness of why many Muslim women choose to wear the hijab, and to encourage women of all cultures and faiths to try wearing...
9 Bright Mind Ideas to invest in old clothes
We, women, always have a huge batch of clothes that we want to replace and get something new instead. We often want to renovate and reinvest existing items, in many different ways. You can invest in your old items in...